Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Keep your Glutes Lifted!

What I like doing every other day is, 100 jump squats.  Yes, 100.  As we age our body parts start to sag due to gravity and loss of collagen and lack of exercise. Start in a squat position, feet forward, shoulder width apart and jump as high as you can and land in a squat.  Start with 5 at a time till you can do 10 jumps in a set. Until you reach 100.  Yes, these are hard but they work!! Your quads and glutes will thank you and so will your heart since this is a great cardio workout at the same time.

Pinned Image

If you can only do 10 tomorrow, then that's great.  The next day go for 20.  Enjoy and have just have fun!!!!!  Lily  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. wow! 100 jump squats? that's awesome!! I can barely do

    i'm your newest follower from the blog hop, please stop by if you get the chance..
